Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Reservation 10 Golden Rules

Reservation is a part of a hotel belong to Front Office or maybe can Sales and Marketing Department that responsible to handling reservation, make a room booking and handling adjusment or cancellation reservation. Reservation staff must be able to handling individual reservation, or from Company, Travel Agent, Online Booking and also Group booking. Reservation can be made via phone, email, fax, chat, mobile sms, or walk in.

They must be ready to allocate all reservation with correct command and suitable with the guest request. But, the other side, they must able to give allotment rooms, so the hotel will not fully booked or the often matter is over booking, so there are a condition that the hotel can't give a room for the guest. It is very danger the guest can be angry with that, moreover the guest already make a booking. But their reservation is not recorded.

Reservation also  can upselling for room rate or the other Hotel product, such as restaurant, swimming pool promo, or banquet facilities. Reservation staff must be persuasives to the guest to try hotel promo and give the other benefits. Responsible to make all booking is guaranteed and no matter on the payment, all information must be written with a clear information.

Here is 10 Golden Rules for Reservation staff :

1. Always greet guests and other staff members.
2. Have a positive energy and a "yes can do" attitude.
3. Smile on the phone - realize that customers can "hear" a smile.
4. Never leave work with a reservation back log - each inquiry is answered immediately.
5. The reservation phone never rings more than three times.
6. Pay attention to detail and aim for perfection - we do not make apelling mistakes.
7. Keep your administration and back up files in perfect order.
8. Reservation agents are not clerk - they are sales professional and up sell.
9. Reservation agents build personal relationship with bookers.
10. Be interestes in technology - live and breathe the internet.

 So, reservation staff is important and be one of the powerful part to the achievement of the hotel.

Don't give up, keep learning and enjoy all teh work you do.


Rabu, 26 September 2012

Di antara Kalian

Aku gak tau apa aku ini mengganggu kalian. Persahabatan kalian. Tapi sebenarnya kau juga tidak ada niat untuk itu. Kebetulan aja, waktu berjalan dan dia deket sama aku. Dia baik, memang..perhatian, tapi aku juga gak mau lebih kok. Cuman temen. Udah.
Tapi orang orang sekitar berpikiran berbeda. Mereka anggap kita ini "spesial".. aku gak mau itu..
Aku selama ini juga biasa aja, jadi bahan guyonan, ledekan, tertawaan mereka..udah biasa..gak aku anggep apa apa yang mereka ejek dari aku sama dia.
Tapi entah..aku juga ngrasain hal yang beda dari kamu..kamu care, aku nyaman. Aku juga takut sama kenyataan, kalau kalu kenyataan membuktikan apa ejekan mereka itu benar. Aku gak bisa, dan gak mau. Aku takut. Aku terus hanyut dalam buaian mereka, dalam rayuan semua kebaikanmu.
Aku harus bagaimana? dan anehnya aku gak suka sama dia..dia yang emang lebih deket sama kamu...
Aku benci kamu.! Aku tau, kamu baik sama semua temen. Tapi kadang aku heran, kenapa aku gak suka sama mereka yang deket kamu, apa karena aku udah terbiasa dibuai sama orang orang tentang deketnya aku sama kamu.
Aku gak tau harus cerita sama siapa, aku takut..aku takut kalau mereka semakin percaya kalau aku....!
Astaghfirullah...Ya Allah ampuni aku...
Aku kangen sama orang rumah, kangen sama orang orang yang sayang sama aku.
Sekarang, kenapa kamu seperti itu sama aku? jangan buat aku dilema.. aku gak suka. Aku kadang dan seringnya kepikiran kamu..heran, aneh..tapi memang begitu..Kenapa harus kamu sih?
Jangan siksa aku dengan semua ini,,pliiissss....

Satu hal :